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Microbiome and more

Ischia, 26.9.2018 | Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jörg Spitz

Microbiome and more

Professor Dr. Jörg Spitz


Health makes sense in the light of evolution.


Case Studies and News from India

Rubrikbild News vom Matrix-Workshop 2018

Ischia, 26.9.2018 | Speakers: Anil Deshpande, Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat, Dr. Meenakshi Pandit, Dr. Varun Naik, Dr. Harish Kumar, Dr. Aarti Prasad

Matrix Health Partner in India – Overview and case studies

Representatives for Matrix Health Partner and Matrix Rhythm Therapy in India who presented on September 26th 2018 case studies on 21 International Matrix Congress in Ischia, Italy

From right to left:

  • Aarti Prasad, Physiotherapist, Instructor for MaRhyThe®, Head of Dept. For Physiotherapist, Ramkrishna Super Speciality Hospital, Bangalore
  • Sandeep Bhagwat, Physiotherapist, Instructor for MaRhyThe®, Niramay Rehab Clinic, Solapur
  • Meenakshi Pandit, Physiotherapist, Instructor for MaRhyThe®, Fulcrum Physiotherapy Clinic, Pune
  • Anil Deshpande, Director International Medical Technologies, Official Representative for MaRhyThe India, Mumbai
  • Varun Naik, Physiotherapist, Assistant Professor KAHER Institute for Physiotherapy, Karnataka, Instructor for MaRhyThe®, Consulting Physiotherapist Niramay Physiotherapy Center, Belagavi
  • Harish Kumar, Physiotherapist, Ergonomist, Bookauthor, Sai Health Care Foundation, Mylapore, Chennai

They presented:

  • Overview of MaRhyThe® in India
  • Scientific case studies published
  • Successful treated cases
  • Clinical reports
  • Video-Testimonials from Patients
  • Overview of academic studies in progress


Spiraldynamik® intelligent movement and the connections to Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Rubrikbild News vom Matrix-Workshop 2018

Ischia, 25.9.2018 | Speakers: Nikolaus Färber und Medea Ludwig

Spiraldynamik® intelligent movement and the connections to Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Nikolaus Färber and Medea Ludwig

After a basic introduction to the principles of Spiraldynamics®, they demonstrated with examples how to use both therapies in their practices:

  1. Diagnosis (observe, examine, measure)
  2. Treatment (matrix rhythm therapy and 3-D manual)
  3. Active Practice (Matrix Rhythm Therapy and 3-D Movement)


Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Neurological Rehabilitation

Rubrikbild News vom Matrix-Workshop 2018

Ischia, 24.9.2018 | Speaker: Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll

MaRhyThe in Neurological Rehabilitation

Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll

Dr. Ulrich Randoll presented current case studies from the Ambulanticum in Herdecke, which he presented on 07.09.2018 at the ISMISS Congress in Zweibrücken, and which caused great interest in the field.



Struktur und Funktion unseres lymphatischen und glymphatischen Systems

Rubrikbild News vom Matrix-Workshop 2018

Ischia, 24.9.2018 | Referent: Prof. Dr. Rainer Breul

Alles ist im Fluss: Struktur und Funktion unseres lymphatischen und glymphatischen Systems

Prof. Dr. Rainer Breul

Prof. Dr. Rainer Breul

  • Einer der führenden Anatomen in Deutschland
  • Seit 1976 bis heute unterrichtet er (Zahn)Ärzte, Physiotherapeuten und Osteopathen in Anatomie und gibt Präparierkurse
  • Autor zahlreicher Bücher und Fachartikel
  • Seit 2010 emeritiert (LMU München)


Speaker Prof. Dr. Ludwig Keilholz

Prof. Dr. Ludwig Keilholz

Professor med. Ludwig Keilholz, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Radiation Therapy, Klinikum Bayreuth, and the Deputy Head of the local oncological center, was educated at University of Erlangen. The Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg appointed him Professor for his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of basic research in radiotherapy. His research in radiotherapy and immunology investigate the biological processes of inflammation under low-dose irradiation. He was member of one of the first research working groups on this subject in Germany in 1988. His specialties are cancer and inflammatory radiation. He is the author of over fifty scientific publications and holds lectures for medical students in the field of Radiotherapy and Radiation Biology. His research activities have kept him connected with Dr. Ulrich Randoll since their study days at the University of Erlangen. In his lecture on the “Developments in the Treatment of Cancer with Immune or Radioimmunotherapy,” he will present the current state of research, which he will illustrate critically. (weiterlesen…)

Speaker Josef Nordmann

Relevant psychological processes in matrix-rhythm therapy and proper conditions of setting are needed to regulate oneself, this Josef Nordmann will address in his presentation on “self-regulation”.

Josef Nordmann


Speakers Spiraldynamik: Nikolaus Färber und Medea Ludwig

The speakers will introduce Spiraldynamik® – a body instruction leaflet. With demonstrative examples and practical exercises, they will demonstrate the connections, similarities and complementary factors with Matrix Rhythm Therapy.

Nikolaus Färber und Medea Ludwig
