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A Case Study: Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy for Child with Spastic Deplegic Cerebral Palsy

Authors: Sonali S, Senior PhD Research Scholar, Srinivas University, Head of Department and Associate
professor, Department of Physiotherapy, SSIMS, India and Edwin Dias, Head of Pediatric Department, SIMS, Mangalore, India

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This case study shows the effectiveness of Matrix Rhythm Therapy for 13 month old girl with Spastic diplegic Cerebral palsy. The aim was to find out the effectiveness of Matrix Rhythm Therapy when combined with traditional physiotherapy to improve gross motor function. Before starting physiotherapy treatment the girl had lots of impairments on gross motor function (GMFCS level 3). On Denver developmental scale evaluation she was 8 month behind in two subgroups of gross motor and fine motor. MACS level was 3 and CFCS level 1. After receiving intensive Physiotherapy she improved in gross motor function specially sitting, standing, walking, stair climbing and jumping. The improvement was seen in balance and posture as well which was evaluated using Pediatric Berg balance scale. The modified Ashworth scale, goniometry evaluation, GMFM-88, MACS, CFCS, Pediatric Berg balance scale were used
as outcome measure. There was drastic improvement seen in GMFM SCORE after Matrix Rhythm therapy combined with traditional physiotherapy for this type of cerebral palsy.

To see or download the whole study: Effectiveness of Matrix Rhythm Therapy with Traditional Physiotherapy for Child
with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy from 13 Months to 7 Years Age: A Case Report

Acta Scientific Paediatrics 4.10, 201