25. – 30. Mai 2025
Erleben Sie die einzigartige Verbindung von Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie und Yoga, ergänzt durch die wertvollen Aspekte der Spiraldynamik®. Lassen Sie sich auf der wunderschönen Insel Ischia von einer intensiven Schulung inspirieren, die Ihre therapeutischen Fähigkeiten erweitert und Ihre persönliche Praxis vertieft.
Im Fokus stehen die natürlichen Rhythmen und Bewegungen des Körpers sowie das Zusammenspiel von Atmung, Elastizität und Entspannung. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie, erleben Sie die harmonisierende Kraft des Yoga und lernen Sie, wie die Prinzipien der Spiraldynamik® die Wirkung dieser Ansätze unterstützen können.
(weiterlesen…)The 24th International Matrix Workshop took place in picturesque Ilica/Cesme on the Again Sea in Turkey this year.
The combination of daily Matrix Rhythm therapy, Thalasso therapy (sea water therapy), warm sea water, morning Yoga on the beach coupled with an exquisite Aegean cuisine – offered by a first class Bio Hotel – once again was in complete harmony with Dr Randoll’s systemic regeneration concept.
(weiterlesen…)It’s that time again – a week of intensive workshop and exchange of experiences with other practically active matrix rhythm therapists, basic researchers and clinicians.
From 08 to 15 October 2022 in Izmir/Turkey
Dr. Anushree Phansalkar is a practising physiotherapist of Shree clinik in Pune, India. She was first introduced to Matrix Rhythm Therapy in 2011 where she first met Dr. Ulrich Randoll at a physiotherapy conference. But it was a own personal problem which made her completly believe in the Matrix Concept.
Dr. Mutlu Gürsoy is a sports physician in Izmir, Turkey. He is practising more than 30 years, particularly in professional football, field-and-track athletes, surfing, and other fields.
In his practice he uses Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy particularly in osteitis pubis and muscle disorders, also in degenerative problems of the ligaments.
At international Matrix Congress 2019 he gave a speech about Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Sports Medicine. He brought with him Can Yeşilpınar WPA World Champion in weightlifting, who spoke also about his experiences with matrix rhythm therapy. (weiterlesen…)
Anil Deshpande is since 2009 the representative for MaRhyThe in India. Until now he introduced Matrix Rhythm Therapy by Dr. Ulrich Randoll to more than 250 Therapists. With amazing results.
In this video he explaines how it all started, developed and what he thinks for the future.
Mr Deshpande has a tireless dedication to spread the Matrix Concept and the Matrix Rhythm Therapy in his country: this is because he sees Testimonial after Testimonial, this is because he observes experiences with bedridden people, with chronic conditions, with acute conditions. People who have been still in pain after multiple surgeries – and are now not. For Mr Anil Despande Matrix Rhythm Therapy is the solution for the people of today. (weiterlesen…)
Viele Therapeuten kommen durch eigene Erfahrungen mit der Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie dazu, diese dann auch in ihre Praxis zu integrieren.
Ines Anna-Maria Grohmann hat vor nunmehr zehn Jahren die Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie in der TCM Klinik Bad Kötzting kennengelernt. Damals war sie Patientin mit der Diagnose Multiple Sklerose und konnte ihr Bein nicht mehr spüren. Nach 20 Minuten Therapie hatte sich das geändert.
Dr. Sowkhya Sagare is an Ayurvedacharma, a physiotherapist and a Matrix Rhythm Therapist. She has a very unique clinic in Sangli, India: Ayush Holistic Ayurvedic Treatment and Rehabilitation Center.
In this clinic she combines Matrix treatments with traditional Panchakarma treatments and ayurvedic treatments, as well as physiotherapy techniques when the patients come for disease purposes such as back pain. In her opinion Matrix Rhythm Therapy fits Ayurveda very well. It can purify the body biologically, restore the physiological balance and can reverse the underlying pathology.