In addition to training courses and workshops you can learn more about the Matrix Concept at the following events:
Academic Events 2022:
- 41. international symposium for oral, maxillofacial and facial surgeons, dentists and orthodontists, 05. – 11. February 2022, St. Anton on the Arlberg in switzerland – Program
- EWMA (European Wound Management Association) Conference 2022, 23-25 May 2022, Paris, Three E-Poster Presentations: 1. The healing effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy on chronic lec ulcers: Case series form a single institution – Harish Kumar (Thuesday, 24th May, 12:30-13:30 CEST; Screen 2); 2. The effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy on wound healing: A collection of six cases with chronic leg ulcers – Özlem Hammond, (Thuesday, 24th May; 12:30-13:30 CEST, Screen 2); 3. A case study: Complete healing of a chronic vascular wound-post-gangrene amputation, skin grafting – Utilizing Matrix Rhythm Therapy – a non-invasive mechano-magnetical approach – Ulrich Randoll (Thuesday, 24th May, 9:45-11:00, Screen 2)
- 22nd GSAAM Conference: Anti-Aging and Preventive Medicine State of the Art 2022, 14-15 May 2022, Digital Conference, Lecture Dr Ulrich Randoll: 15 May 2022, The extracellular matrix as a target of preventive medicine in orthopaedics
Academic Events 2021:
Academic Events 2020:
- 10. Kongress für komplementäre Krebstherapie (Kongressprogramm), Complementary Cancer Care: 17.-18. Oktober 2020, Holiday Inn, München-Unterhaching, Lecture Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll: 18. Oktober 2020, 15:40; How synchronization of muscular rhythms eliminates pain, restores mobility and heals wounds
- 3. Interdisziplinäres Seminar zur Anatomie des Beckengürtels und der unteren Extremität, (Anatomy of the pelvic girdle and lower extremity) 12- 13. September 2020, Anatomische Anstalt der LMU München, Veranstalter: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. med. habil. Rainer Breul, Dozenten: Prof. Breul und Dr. med Ulrich Randoll
- 1st National Webference of The Indian Association of Physiotherapists, Keynot on World Physiotherapy Day, The Matrix Concept, Immune System & Matrix Rhythm Therapy, 08. September 2020, Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll
- International Webinar on Understanding Pain & Restricted Mobility According to Matrix Concept, DPU Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Pune, 5th August 2020, Speaker: Dr. Ulrich Randoll, watch live on:
- Posterpräsentation: Systemic sclerosis – a polysegmental reflex dystrophy – treated by Matrix Rhythm Therapy. Case report seven years after diagnosis. 6th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress July 12-14, 2020, Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll
- ICHES-IDU 2020, International Congress of Health Sciences, Izmir Demokrasi University, June 20-21, 2020, Speaker: Dr. Ulrich Randoll, Scientific Programm
- 3. Internationaler Kongress Magnet Therapy and Frequency Medicine, 20.-22.03.2020, Izmir, Turkey, Universität Dokuz Eylül in cooperation with the Association for Applied Energy Medicine
Academic Events 2019:
- Therapy Expo – Conference 2019, NEC Birmingham/England, Preparation of skeletal muscles for the training using Matrix Rhythm Therapy, Speaker: Dr. Ulrich Randoll, 27. November 2019, 09:55-10:25
- Neuropathic Pain2019 – The International Conference on Controversies in Neuropathic Pain, 23-24 October 2019, Munich, Poster-Presentation: A Case report of successful treatment of failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) using Matrix Rhythm Therapy – MaRhyThe – a non-invasive vibrational mechano-magnetical approach, Özlem Hammond MD PhD
- Internationaler Congress Magnetic Therapy and Frequency Medicine, 23.03. and 24.03.2019, Izmir, Turkey, University Dokuz Eylül in cooperation with Society for Applied Energy Medicine, Lecture Dr. Ulrich Randoll, “Matrix Concept” (23.03.19), “Frequency-oriented medicines – Research activities at Dr Randoll Institute” (24.03.19), Basic Seminar Matrix Rhythm Therapy, 25.03.2019, Izmir, Türkei, Dr. Ulrich Randoll, Op. Dr. Mustafa Ersin
- 38. International Symposium for Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dentists and Orthodontists, 10.02.2019, St. Anton, Arlberg, Österreich, Dr. Ulrich Randoll “Matrix Rhythm Therapy in dental practice”
- 57th IAP annual conference, Bangalore, India, 02.02.2019, Dr. Ulrich Randoll “Preparation of Skeletar Muscles for the training using Matrix Rhythm Therapy”
- Advanced Workshop on Matrix Rhythm Therapy, 26th and 27th January 2019, Pune, India with Dr. Ulrich Randoll, Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat, Dr. Aarti Prasad, Dr. Meenakshi Pandit, Dr. Varun Naik a.o.
- Hands-on-Workhop Matrix Rhythm Therapy, 22nd and 23rd January 2019, Belgavi, India, KLEU Academy of Higher Education and Research, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Dr. Ulrich Randoll, Dr. Prabhakar, Dr. Basavaraj Motimath, Dr. Varun Naik, Dr. Prashant Naik, Dr. Meenakshi Altre Pandit
Academic Events 2018:
- Lecture: Perioperative management of tetraplegic and paraplegic patients, ISMISS 2018 – International 36th Course for Percutaneous Endoscopic Spinal Surgery and Complementary Minimal Invasive Techniques, Zweibrücken, Germany, 07.-08. September 2018 (Programm ISMISS 2018, PDF)
- Kongress and Workshop, Matrix Rhythm Therapy in Neurorehabilitation in Turkey, Scientific Research, Pamukkale University School of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Denizli, Turkey, 01.-06. April 2018
- Neurologische Physiotherapie und Rehabilitationskogress (Nörolojik Fizyoterapie ve Rehabilitasyon Kongresi), Dokuz Eylül Universität, Izmir, Turkey, 29.-31. März 2018 (Kongress Programm)
Academic Events 2017:
- Info-Event Curaden Academy, Fachvortrag für Zahnärzte: Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie, Zürich, 28.11.2017 von 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
- 6. Anwendertreffen “Kraniofaziale Orthopädie und Orale Medizin” (Programm), 24. bis 29. September 2017, Forio – Ischia, weitere Infos
- DÄGAK-Kongress 2017 – Vortrag und Workshop Dr. Randoll: Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie, Ludwigsburg, 07.10.2017
- 36. Internationales Symposium für MKG-Chirurgen, Oralchirurgen, Zahnärzte & Kieferorthopäden, Vortrag am 09. Februar 2017, St. Anton Arlberg
- 36. Kongress – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akupunktur und Neuraltherapie DGfAN, Vortrag Dr. Randoll, Erfurt, 31. März 2017 (Programm DGfAN 2017)
- Horasis India Meeting – Vortrag Dr. Randoll: “Health Systems for future societies based on systemic approaches”, Interlaken/Schweiz, 24.-28.06. 2017
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