Milestones in the development of the Matrix Concept and Matrix Theory from 1990 up to the founding of the Dr. Randoll Institute:
Clinically-linked Fundamental Research at the University of Erlangen, Germany, supported by the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) and the Ruth and Klaus Bahlsen Foundation
Final Report – in German (PDF)
Publication of: U. Randoll, The Importance of Regulation and Rhythm for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy (Die Bedeutung von Regulation und Rhythmus für ärztliche Diagnostik und Therapie); iin the book “Heilkunde versus Medizin? Gesundheit und Krankheit aus der Sicht der Wissenschaften“, editor Henning Albrecht (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) and in the magazine “Erfahrungsheilkunde“, Heft 2.
Veröffentlichung: U. Randoll, The role of complex biophysical-chemical therapies for cancer; in „Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics“, 27(1992)341-346 (A section of J. Electroanal. Chem. and constituting Vol. 342 (1992)
Creation of the ”Working Group on the Electrophysiology of Bone” (Arbeitskreises “Elektrophysiologie des Knochens”) in the Germany Society of Osteology
New findings obtained on the basis of video microscopy.
Publication of scientific article on ”Ultrastrukture Tomographic Imaging of Living Cells and the Influence of Nonthermal Physical Fields” (Ultrastrukturtomographische Darstellung lebender Zellen und ihre Beeinflussung durch nicht-thermische physikalische Felder), in Dtsch. Zschr. für Onkologie, 26, 1.
Innovation Prize for Computer Simulation from the Technical College of Esslingen, Germany (August 1, 1995)
Introduction of the concept “Matrix Therapy”.
Dr. Randoll is awarded the Matrimed Research Prize (Matrimed-Forschungspreis) at the International Matrix Congress on May 31, 1996, presented by Prof. Rimpler and Prof. Heine of the German Society for Matrix Research.
Matrix Rhythm Therapy reaches the stage of clinical application. Development of the Matrixmobil.
First training course for physicians and physiotherapists in the Matrix Concept and Matrix Rhythm Therapy.
Application of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in veterinary medicine. Dr. Randoll is awarded the Wolf Kröber Memorial Prize for Innovative Ideas in Equestrian Sports at the World Equestrian Sports Fair “Equitana Inside” (March 7, 2001).
Fundamental research continued at the Thomas Wildey Institute (TWI) in Munich, Germany. (Founded by Dr. Karl Daxl in 1977, the TWI is devoted to pursuing new directions in medicine.)
Dissertation: Lars Albert, Wirksamkeitsnachweis der Kosten-Relation des Einsatzes der Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie in der Automobilindustrie am Beispiel der DaimlerChrysler AG am Standort Sindelfingen.
Pilot study for Matrix Rhythm Therapy at the company Faber-Castell.
Dentists discover the applications of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in craniofacial orthopedics.
Publication of the first comprehensive book, in German, on the Matrix Concept and Matrix Rhythm Therapy: Das Matrix Konzept – Die Grundlagen der Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie.
Founding of the “Dr. Randoll Institute – Non-Profit Organization for Matrix Research and Education.”