The Matrix Concept developed from clinically-linked fundamental research carried out by Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll at the University of Erlangen, Germany (1989-1997).
Process-oriented thinking in medicine has opened up new possibilities for diagnosis and therapy. Living processes are self-organizing, and the processes of self-organization operate within the framework defined by the surrounding environment. It has now become possible, by acting upon the external conditions and logistics of the cells in a suitable way, to eliminate symptoms in a more gentle and causal way than ever before. This knowledge is embodied in the Matrix Concept.
Starting in 1998 a number of studies and research projects have been carried out, with support from foundations, which have provided new insights and results concerning the Matrix Concept. In 2013 the Dr. Randoll Institute was founded as a non-profit organization devoted to continuing this research work, disseminating its results and integrating knowledge derived from Matrix research into therapeutic practice for the public benefit.
The non-profit Institute supports research and education concerning prevention, rehabilitation, therapy and diagnostics. It makes available information concerning the treatment of illnesses as well as preventative and regenerative approaches to maintaining health. The Institute realizes these goals in the areas of Matrix Research, Matrix Education and promoting practical applications of the Matrix Concept.
Here is a link to the paragraphs of the Institute statutes concerning its aims and non-profit status.