The vibrant Indian metropolis of Mumbai, the sixth largest metropolitan region in the world with over 23 million inhabitants, was the venue for an advanced workshop on Matrix Rhythm Therapy. The training event for healthcare professionals in India was hosted by Shri Anil Deshpande, International Medical Technologies and Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll, the researcher and inventor of Matrix Rhythm Therapy from Dr. Randoll Institute in Munich. The practical support was given by the Indian Matrix instructors, who have been experienced for over 10 years: Dr. Varun Naik, Dr Sandeep Baghwat, Dr. Meenakshi Pandit, Dr. Aarti Prasad, Dr. Harish Kumar.
The three-day workshop (November 3rd – November 5th, 2023) provided insights and knowledge for doctors and physiotherapists who have basic experience with Matrix Rhythm Therapy in their work. The main guest was Prof. Dr. Ajay Chandanwale, MS (Ortho) AFIH, PhD, from the Directorate Medical Education & Research, Maharashtra. Guests of honor and special guests were Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat, MPT (Neuro), Administrator, Maharashtra State Council of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy, Director of Niramay Rehab in Solapur and Prof. Dr. Dinesh Kabre, founder of Dr. Kabre Chandanwale New Pain Mechanism, practicing Orthopedic and Spinal Surgeon in Pune MS (Ortho).
The workshop paved the way for discussions about different ways in which the treatment of Matrix Rhythm Therapy could be further developed and taken to a new dimension.
On this occasion, Dr. Randoll announced the upcoming publication of his second book “Matrix Rhythm Therapy, Knowledge, Philosophy and Practice of Resonance based Medicine”. He presented an important chapter of the book that deals in detail with Matrix Rhythm Therapy and its successes in salutogenesis of patients suffering from various diseases and pains.
Dr. Randoll emphasized that it is essential to pay attention to your own health and not wait for nature to give signals in the form of symptoms. Inability to come into harmony with ourselves leads to a state of imbalance that we call illness.
On the first day of the workshop, the treatment of Matrix Rhythm Therapy was discussed in detail. The introduction of the new Matrixmobil – alpha synchronizer®, which helps to establish a natural biorhythm, and its use in various therapeutic areas, i.e., the lymphatic and glymphatic systems, as well as the nervous system and the connective tissue system, concluded an intensive and interesting day.
On the next day Dr. Dinesh Kabre shared his knowledge and expertise in a lecture on a new perspective in dealing with pain mechanisms. In the practical part, the workshop participants also got to know other treatment modules with the Matrixmobil – alpha synchronizer – from body trunk. thorax and abdomen to the craniomandibular system and the cervico-thoracic junction.
The last day of the workshop ended with a valedictory ceremony, preceded by two more modular lectures on the pelvic girdle and lower extremity and the shoulder girdle and upper extremity. In addition, the participants discussed special indications and exchanged their experiences with problem cases they had dealt with. The feedback from participants was excellent. Everyone recognized the contribution that Matrix Rhythm Therapy can make to the health and well-being of patients.