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Effects of MaRhyThe in Plantar Fasciitis

Effects of Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe) in Plantar Fasciitis – An Experimental Study

MaRhyThe-Treatment with Matrixmobil

Author: Varun Naik, Mohit Singh
Department of Cardiovascular Pulmonary Physiotherapy, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi, Karnataka, India (weiterlesen…)

A detailed synopsis of the 22. International Matrix-Workshop


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A detailed synopsis of the 22. International Matrix-Workshop in Izmir, Turkey from Mai 25th to June 1st, 2019. (weiterlesen…)

Interdisziplinärer Workshop Muskel- und Gelenkschmerzen

Prof. Dr. Erich Wühr veranstaltet alle zwei Jahre das Anwendertreffen Kraniofaziale Orthopädie. Beim Anwendertreffen im September 2019 in den Poseidongärten auf Ischia wurde ein interdisziplinärer Workshop zum Thema “Muskel- und Gelenkscherzen” durchgeführt.

Dr. Gregor Pfaff, Dr. Ulrich Randoll, Dr. Wolf-Dieter Seeher und Dr. Erich Wühr nahmen Stellung zu den Unterthemen “Theorische Denkmodelle, Untersuchung, Therapie und Patientenführung” bei Patienten mit myofaszialen Schmerzen. Dabei hatte jeder Referent für jedes Unterthema nur zehn Minuten Zeit, um auf seine drei wichtigsten Erkenntnisse hinzuweisen.

Durch die vier Experten-Perspektiven und durch die Konzentration auf die wichtigsten Merksätze entstand ein praxisbezogener und an Informationen dichter Workshop. Über folgendes Video lassen die Referenten Sie daran teilhaben:


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Zusätzlich zum Video wurden diese Ergebnisse in einer Tabelle zusammengestellt, die Sie auf der Homepage CMD-Expert herunterladen(PDF) können.

Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS)

International Conference on Controversies in Neuropathic Pain
23 – 24 October 2019, Munich

Neuropathic pain is a common and disabling condition. Chaired by Prof. Nanna Brix Finnerup, Denmark, the aim of this conference is to provide a platform for discussions of controversial and burning issues in the field of neuropathic pain to bridge this gap. There will be ample time for discussions between speakers and delegates.

Özlem Ataman-Hammond MD, PhD and medical advisor of Matrix Rhythm Therapy UK was accepted for a poster presentation of the Case Study: Successful treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) with Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe ®) non-invasive mechano-magnetical approach (Abstract PDF)  The conference attendees – medical professionals, researchers, treatment experts, industry leaders and other experts – are viewing her poster presentation with keen interest because forty percent of patients who had one or more spinal surgical approaches (FBSS) continue to experience lower back and radicular pain. (weiterlesen…)

Pediatric Cerebral Palsy

Effect of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in B/L Adductor Muscle Tightness in Pediatric Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report

Author: Ketan Bhatikar
Department of Physical Therapy, Sport Physiotherapy Aqua Rehabilitation Centre, Goa

Lymphatisches System, Rhythmik und Zirkulation

3d rendering medical illustration of the lymphatic system (Fotocredit: adobe Stock, maya2008)

Der Schwerpunkt des 2. Interdisziplinäres Seminar zu ausgesuchten Themen der funktionellen Anatomie und Physiologie (Programm und Anmeldung, PDF) – ist das Lymphatische System, Rhythmik und Zirkulation der interstitiellen Flüssigkeit.

Das Seminar wird von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. med. habil Rainer Breul DO h.c veranstaltet und findet am 23. und 24. November 2019 in der Anatomischen Anstalt der LMU in München statt.

Ihre Referenten sind Prof. Rainer Breul und Dr. med Ulrich Randoll. Detaillierte Informationen sowie das Anmeldeformular finden Sie in dem obigen Link.

MaRhyThe® Applications in Pilates/Myofascial Release

Izmir, 26.05.2019 | Presenter: Roberta Trzebinski

The Magic Wand

MaRhyThe® Applications in Pilates/Myofascial Release

Roberta Trzebinski

Roberta Trzebinski is a teacher / personal trainer in Pilates and in Myofascial Release, a form of therapy that arose from osteopathy and focuses on the treatment of the connective tissue and especially the fascia.

For it was first of all her own experience, which brought Roberta Trzebinski to the Matrix Rhythm Therapy. After her own experiences as a patient she has integrated Matrix Rhythm Therapy into her practice.


Systemic Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Izmir, 26.05.2019 | Presenter: Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll

Update Matrix-Konzept

From Symptom to Systemic Matrix Rhythm Therapy
Ottoman Health Houses/Sifahane; Turkish Bathing Tradition, Wellness & Prevention with Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Dr. med. Ulrich Randoll

“When life is a process, disease is a disturbance of the process” said Dr. Ulrich Randoll in his talk which started the 22. International Matrix Congress at Ilica Thermal Hotel in Cesme, Izmir, Turkey.

The Matrix Concept has proven to be the key for microcirculation. This statement was substantiated by attending therapists. They briefly introduced themselves and their work.  The eight short speeches impressively demonstrated how much the integration of the application of matrix-rhythm therapy influences and alters the therapeutic work.

