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A detailed synopsis of the 22. International Matrix-Workshop


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A detailed synopsis of the 22. International Matrix-Workshop in Izmir, Turkey from Mai 25th to June 1st, 2019.

“When life is a process, disease is a disturbance of the process” said Dr. Ulrich Randoll in his talk which started congress. “Pain and restrictions of movement are systemic and local consequences of disturbances in the logistics of the living process. They can be successfully treated by optimizing cell biological processes.”

In this film you get an overview about the case studies and talks with a wide range of topic: Neurological Rehabilitation, Lymphatic system, Lymphoedema, Failed Back Surgery Syndrome, Diabetes, Wound healing, Parkinson Disease, Hypothermia, Ashimoto’s encephalopathy, CMD, MS, sports medicine, paediatrics, pain inside and outside the masticatory system.

Furthermore, you can glimpse into daily practise which took place each afternoon: optimization and handling of Matrixmobil; treatment of lymphatic system, nervous system, connective tissue system, fascial system; local treatments of symptoms from back, thorax, extremities, head, shoulder, pelvic gridle and abdominal.

We thank all participants, lecturers and especially our host: Matrix Center Turkey