Univ. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. med. habil. Rainer Breul (D.O. h.c.) is one of the leading anatomists in Germany. His career: Studied at the German Sport University in Cologne (diploma 1971), biology studies and doctorate at the University of Cologne (1975), scientific assistant at the Anatomical Institute Cologne (1975-1984), habilitation in anatomy (1984), professor of anatomy Cologne (since 1984), Professor of Anatomy LMU Munich (since 1987). From 1976 until the present, he has been active as a lecturer in the anatomy training and in further educational events of (dental) doctors, physiotherapists and osteopaths. He organizes interdisciplinary dissection courses for these professions. He has been active as a lecturer for the training of osteopaths in anatomy, physiology for almost 30 years. He is also the author of many anatomical book and journal articles and was a long-time co-editor of journals (DO, Osteopathic Medicine) and scientific advisory board of the Federal Association of Osteopathy e.V. -BVO. He has been emeritus since 2010 (LMU Munich)
The founder of the Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy, Dr. med. Uli Randoll, who I have known for many years from scientific symposia, joint dissection courses and many other official and private occasions. I am very pleased with his precise nature and scientific profundity to explain the basic principle of matrix rhythm therapy in lectures, books, discussions and similar occasions. I am a science-biology-oriented university professor for the entire field of human anatomy. That’s why I support Dr. Randoll, who would like to further develop Matrix Rhythm Therapy scientifically for the benefit of the patients to be treated.
My first lecture “Everything is in flux: Structure and function of our lymphatic and glymphatic system” is directly and indirectly linked to the idea of Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy, because it influences the interstitial fluid transports or shifts. Especially our connective tissue spaces can become a dangerous landfill of our cellular metabolites, if they are not continuously transferred from their contaminated sites by extracellular fluid transport into our lymphatic system. The matrix concept can support this necessary transport by its mechanical properties with biologically adapted rhythms.
Recently, the glymphatic system has become the focus of neuroscience, as it uses a purification mechanism to transport metabolites from the tissues of the CNS, using a system of glial idiom as the connective structure of the nervous system and lymph as the transport fluid. It remains to be considered carefully whether this can provide a biologically meaningful link to Matrix Rhythm Therapy.
In my second lecture, I address the function of fascia in our organism with general and specific anatomical notes. The focus is on demonstrating reliable anatomical and morphological knowledge about the fascia system of humans and delimiting this omnipotence, which is sometimes overflowing, with this system based on more or less specialized connective tissue.
Both of the above lectures have the goal that the listener understands the structures and systems treated with the Matrix Rhythm Therapy more anatomically and functionally better and can incorporate them into his treatment concept.