Dr. Ulrich G. Randoll: Systemic sclerosis – a polysegmental reflex dystrophy – treated by Matrix Rhythm Therapy. Case report seven years after diagnosis.
6th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress July 12-14, 2020
Ö. Hammond and U. Randoll, Abstract: A case report of successful treatment of failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) using Matrix Rhythm Therapy – a non-invasive mechano-magnetical approach
Posterpresentation The International Conference on Controversies in Neuropathic Pain, 23-24 October 2019, Munich
Dr. Mijar Privanka, Anil Deshpande Poster-Presentation: Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy in the Management of Diabetic Complications – A Pilot Study (PDF)
Dr. Sonali Shrivastava Poster-Presentation: Effect of Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy for Intramedullary Ependymoma Incidence in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient_Posterpresentation_Case Reports 2013 (PDF)
Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat PT, Sahin Marathe MS, Poster-Presentation: Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy for Diabetic Non Healing Ulcer – A Case Report (JPEG)
Abstracts: Dr. Ulrich Randoll – Matrix Rhythm Therapy: Utilizing the Entrainment Effect to Optimize Body Performance an Tissue Regeneration in Diabetes; Priyanka Mijar – Matrix Rhythm Therapy in the Management of Diabetic Complications – A Pilot Study; Matrix Rhythm Therapy for Intramedullary Ependymoma Incidence in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patient – A Case Report; Sandeep Bhagwat, Matrix Rhythm Therapy for Diabetic Non Healing Ulcer – A Case Report (PDF);
20th International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and Its Appliations, VYASA, Bengaluru, Jan 2 -5, 2014_4
Pranjali Dhamane: Efficacy of Matrix Rhythmus Therapy in de-generative, post traumatic conditions of knee
Annual Conference of physiotherapy, Mangalore 22nd to 24th January 2010
Sandeep Bhagwat: Role of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in the treatment of non-traumatic restricted movements of shoulder
Annual Conference of physiotherapy, Mangalore 22nd to 24th January 2010
Randoll U.G , Hennig, F.F., Simeon B. : Theory and Clinical Approaches to Chronic Back Pain by Synchronism and Entrainment
The 42nd Manfred Eigen Winter Seminar
Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions
January 13. – 27., 2007 Klosters Switzerland /
Osteologie 2008; 2.-5. April Bad Pyrmont – Hannover
Randoll U.G.: Pathogenese und Therapie von Muskelschmerzen
5. Netzwerkkongress Systemische Medizin; Craniofaciale Orthopädie
12.-13. Mai 2006
A. Jäger, B., U.G. Randoll.: Vergleichende Studie über die tiefenwirksame, rhythmische Mikroextensionstechnik (Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie) bei muskulo-skelettalen Beschwerden
Osteologie Band 14 Suppl. 1; April 2005
Jahrestagung der Dsch. Gesellschaft für Osteologie;
Basel, Schweiz 3.- 5. März 2005
Randoll U.G , Hennig, F.F. : Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy in Osteopathic thought
The 40th Manfred Eigen Winter Seminar
Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions
January 15. – 29., 2005 Klosters Switzerland
Paerisch , M., Randoll U.G , Hennig, F.F. : Electromyostimulation – Basics, Chances and Limits
The 39th Manfred Eigen Winter Seminar
Biophysical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions
January 10. –24., 2004 Klosters Switzerland
Randoll U.G.; Hennig F.F.: Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy and Systematic Regeneration in Chronic Diseases
38th Manfred Eigen Winter Seminar
Biophysical Chemisty, Molecular Biology and Cybernetics of Cell Functions
Klosters, Schweiz; January 15. – 29., 2003
Randoll U.G.; Hennig F.F.: Coherent rhythms (timing frequencies) in biological systems as a basis for the Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy
2nd European Congress “Achievements in Space Medicine in Health Care Practice and Industy”
Berlin, March 27. – 29., 2003
Randoll U.G.: Health-Systems – With High-Tech to “Neo-Hippocratism” – in the 6th Kondratjew
High-Tech Conference Ostrava
May 12- 13, 2003
Würschnitzer-Hünig B.; Randoll U.G.; Hennig F.F.: Die Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie (MaRhyThe) zur Behandlung schwerster Ulcerationen bei Diabetes und nach chirurgisch versorgten komplizierten Fußwurzelfrakturen.
45. Jahrestg. der Dtsch. Gesellschaft für Phlebologie
Nürnberg 24. – 27. September 2003
Randoll U.G.; Hennig F.F.: Vibrations and their indication in sport-injuries; auf Deutsch: Vibrationen und ihre Anwendung bei Sportverletzungen
IX. int. Turkish Congress in Sports-Medicine
24. – 26. October 2003; Kapadokien, Türkei
Hennig F.F.; Stemmler J.; Randoll U.G.: Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy in the periperative application to knee surgery
6th Turkish Sports Traumatology Arthroskopy and Knee Surgery Congress
21.- 26 Oktober; Antalya 2002 Türkei
Randoll U.G.; Hennig F.F.: Preoperative -and Postoperative Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy to optimize Hip Surgery
Osteologie Band 10 Suppl. 1; April 2002
Jahrestagung der Dsch. Gesellschaft für Osteologie;
Wiesbaden, 4. – 7. April
Randoll U.G., Paerisch M.: Electromyostimulation -Basics Chances and Limits
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteologie
Jena, 11.-14. März 1998
Randoll U.G., Paerisch M.: Elektromyostimulation – Basics, Chances and Limits
6th European Congress on Research in Rehabilitation
Berlin, May 31 – June 4 1998
Randoll U.G.; Paerisch M.: Elektromyostimulation – Basics, Chances and Limits
4th International Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society
Luzern, 16. – 20. September 19 98
Randoll U.G.; Paerisch M.: High Resolution Video-Microscopy of Vital Hard Tissue
4th International Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society
Luzern, 16. – 20. September 1998
Randoll U.G. Hennig F.F.: Nichtlineare Oszillatoren und systematische Rehabilitation,
113. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Physikalische Medizin und Rehabilitation
Hannover, 30. September – 4. Oktober 1998
Randoll U.G. Hennig F.F.: High Resolution Video-Microscopy of vital Hard Tissue
12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Osteologie
Wien, 27. Februar bis 1. März 1997
Randoll U.G. Hennig F.F.: High Resolution Video-Microscopy of Vital Hard Tissue
Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine
Bologna, Italy, June 8 – 13. 1997
Randoll U.G. Paerisch M.: Electromyosimulation – Basics, Chances and Limits
Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine
Bologna, Italy, June 8 – 13. 1997
Randoll U.G. Hennig F.F.: Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapie bei chronischen Erkrankungen des Nerven-, Stütz- und Bewegungsapparates.
Combined Meeting of GOTS; AOSSM, EFOST, München 26. – 29. Juni 1997
Keilholz L., Randoll U.G.: Dosisabhängige funktionelle und morphologische Veränderungen von polymorphkernigen Granulozyten nach Einzeitbestrahlung.
Deutscher Röntgenkongress 1995
Wiesbaden, 24. – 27. Mai 1995
Keilholz L., Randoll U.G.: Dose-Dependent Functional and Morphological Alteration of Granulocytes After Single Dose Exposure.
10. International Congress of Radiation Research
Würzburg, 27. August – 01. September 1995
Randoll U.G., Hennig F.F.: High resolution videomicroskopy of vital bone structures.Twenty-Sixth Intern. Sun Valley Workshop on Hard Tissue
Sun Valley, Idaho, 7.-11. August 1995
Randoll U.G., Olbrich K. et.al: Ultrastrukturtomographische Beobachtung von
Lebensprozessen in Abhängigkeit von schwachen elektromagnetischen Feldern.
Telekom, U.R.S.I.-Landesausschuß u. ITG-Fachausschuß – Tagung Kleinheubach 1994
Dehmlow R., Randoll U.G. : Two trends in the explanation of the biopotentials and the electromagnetic stimulation – a model.
Telekom, U.R.S.I.-Landesausschuß u. ITG-Fachausschuß – Tagung Kleinheubach 1994
Randoll U.G.: 3-D-Computerrekonstruktion vitaler, ungefärbter Plattenepithelzellen aus Humanbiopsien.
Sonderkolloquium “Symbiogenese – Karzinogenese” unter der Schirmherrschaft
der International Society of Endocytobiology,
Erlangen, Oktober 1994
Randoll U.G. et al: Human herpes simplex viruses (HSV) detection in infected fibroblasts by high definition light microscopy. “Viruses and virus-like agents in disease”
Karger Symposium,
Basel 1993
Randoll U.G. et al: Complex biophysical-chemical therapies for squamous cell carcinoma. The first world congress for electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 1992
Dehmlow R., Randoll U.G.: Two trends in the explanation of the biopotentials and electromagnetic stimulation. The first world congress for electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine,
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 1992
Randoll U.G. et al: Seeds-Obturator zur intraoralen “low dose rate” Bestrahlung des Oberkiefer-, Naso- und Epipharynx-Karzinoms. 41. Kongress der Dtsch. Ges. f. Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Würzburg, 1991
Randoll U.G.: Die Anwendung von pulsierenden elektromagnetischen Feldern in der Mund-Kiefer- Gesichtschirurgie. 41. Kongress der Dtsch. Ges. f. Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie,
Würzburg, 1991