International Conference on Controversies in Neuropathic Pain
23 – 24 October 2019, Munich
Neuropathic pain is a common and disabling condition. Chaired by Prof. Nanna Brix Finnerup, Denmark, the aim of this conference is to provide a platform for discussions of controversial and burning issues in the field of neuropathic pain to bridge this gap. There will be ample time for discussions between speakers and delegates.
Özlem Ataman-Hammond MD, PhD and medical advisor of Matrix Rhythm Therapy UK was accepted for a poster presentation of the Case Study: Successful treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) with Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe ®) non-invasive mechano-magnetical approach (Abstract PDF) The conference attendees – medical professionals, researchers, treatment experts, industry leaders and other experts – are viewing her poster presentation with keen interest because forty percent of patients who had one or more spinal surgical approaches (FBSS) continue to experience lower back and radicular pain. (weiterlesen…)