A Case Report: Application of Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe®) as a Novel Treatment in Trigeminal Neuralgia
Authors: Varun Naik, Basavaraj Motimath(1), Tanvi Pathania(2)
CVTS Physiotherapy Department, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, (1)Sports Physiotherapy Department, KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy, (2)Clinical Physiotherapist at Niramay Physiotherapy Center, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is one of the most excruciating painful conditions that is generally referred and treated in the physiotherapy outpatient department (OPD). It is described by generalized bouts of paroxysmal pain enduring from a brief moment to as long as 2 min and is situated along the course of the trigeminal nerve in the orofacial region. Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe®) is a new tool to treat pain and restricted joint mobility. However, its effectiveness is yet to be established in myofascial pain syndromes. A case of TN was reported in the OPD with complaints of the right side intraoral and jaw pain for 2 years, lasting for 3–5 min with 15–20 episodes of pain every day. Three sessions of MaRhyThe® once a week for 3 weeks was administered as an intervention to the affected side. Pain intensity, duration of pain, and the number of episodes per day were recorded by the patient in the logbook provided to the patient. After the intervention by 3rd week, the subject reported decrease in intensity of pain, reduction in duration, and episodes of pain in the consecutive days. The effect of MaRhyThe® was encouraging on TN and its symptoms.
To see or download the whole Study: A Case Report: Application of Matrix Rhythm Therapy (MaRhyThe®) as a Novel Treatment in Trigeminal Neuralgia
Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research,
2020, Volume 2, Issue 2, July-December 2020, Page No: 141-143
DOI: 10.4103/ijptr.ijptr_20_20 Web Published: 04-01-2021, available Online at: www.jiptr.org