June, 2016
Once again Dr. Ulrich Randoll informed a designated group of Matrix Rhythm Therapists from India about the latest update on Matrix Research and Matrix Theory followed by hands-on application training in his clinic in Munich, Germany.
The exchange was very fruitful.
Dr. Ulrich Randoll (middle) and his medical secretary Bianca Tormaehlen (far right) hosted in June therapists from India. From left to right: Anil Deshpande, Dr. Meenakshi Pandit, Dr. Pranjali A. Dhamane, Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat, Dr. Sowkhya Sagare
Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat and Dr. Meenakshi Pandit, who are practitioners and teachers of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in India, shared their success stories, as well as Dr. Pranjali A. Dhahmane and Dr. Sowkhya Sagare, who are both therapists as well as lecturers.
Dr. Pranjali together with Dr. Sandeep and three others are among the first physiotherapists in India who discovered the Matrix Rhythm Therapy back in 2009. Presently, there are over five-hundred trained therapists in India.
„We are the early adaptors, we are pioneers“, Dr. Pranjali says laughing. „When we first saw such a small device, we wondered how it could possibly remove muscular pain? We were curious and especially wanted to find a cure for stiffness in the knee. So we went to Germany and had our first training with Dr Randoll in his clinic.“ Since then they have been working with matrixmobil. „Being a physiotherapist, we are not used to seeing things microscopically. We were just used to seeing things macroscopically by feeling the tissues. Being able to see and understand the cellular level was an eye opener – and this great technology, with this little device – we call the rhythm of Shiva – gives me daily proof in my work.“
„In our clinic“, she says, „I treat six patients daily with Matrix Rhythm Therapy. With this therapy we are able to treat people on the cellular level and it was very different from the way we used to treat them.“ One of the doctor’s success stories is a National weight lifting champion who had a shoulder injury just before the championship. „I could help him with the Matrix Concept and he won a Gold medal“, Dr Pranjali says.
Dr. Ulrich Randoll certified back in 2014 two therapists as trainers for Matrix Rhythm Therapy: Dr. Meenakshi Pandit and Dr. Sandeep Bhagwat
Dr Sandeep Bhagwat who is a licensed practitioner and trainer for Matrix Rhythm Therapy since 2014 adds that Matrix Rhythm Therapy and the Matrix Concept changed the way he practices. „At first“, he says, „it caught my interest because with the device a big change in a very short time is possible. So I decided to use it. When I tried it I got very good results for numerous kinds of conditions from edema to pinched nerves, from sport injuries to muscular pains.”
With his success stories he proved the concept and helped to establish Matrix Rhythm Therapy in India. „Dr Randoll has shown us the direction. He has brought us to this level. He has given us the concept. We have taken great effort to prove his concept so that my country India can benefit from it.“ In the last seven years Dr. Sandeep has treated many sportspeople among them national sport champions, he has treated patients with pain, patients with ulcers, patients with injuries. „Along the way I proved everything Dr Randoll said. I treated almost the whole spectrum of muscular problems and could prove that Matrix Rhythm Therapy works.“
Sema Randoll (second from right) welcomes Sowkhya, Pranjali and Meenakshi (from left to right) at Matrix Center Munich
Dr. Sowkhya Sagare was introduced to Matrix Rhythm Therapy in 2010 and she is practicing MaRhyThe in conjunction with Ayurveda. „What is this machine I asked myself“, she said. She was trying it out, wanted to know why this device is called a machine for the 21st century and immediately experienced a soothing effect. Ever since she is using Matrix Rhythm Therapy in combination with Ayurveda. „We used to do it by hand. It was a very tedious job to massage all bad things out. With the help of Matrix now the groundwork is layed.“
„What is the main motor of Ayurveda?“ she asks. „We want to be healthy. We want to remove bad logistics of our body. By vomiting we do remove bad logistics, with Matrix now we can also remove bad logistics from our muscle cells – a perfect preparation of the body. Then follows ayurvedic massage, steam, proper diet and excercise.“
„Diet and exercise means a lot“, she continues. „Matrix, ayurvedic massage and steam prepares you and diet and yoga completes it – so you can live a healthier life.“
Dr. Meenakshi Pandit who is also a licensed practitioner and trainer of Matrix Rhythm Therapy like Dr. Sandeep – she also contributes a lot of success stories for India.
Dr. Meenakshi Pandit told Petra Winter about her successful journey with Matrix Rhythm Therapy. For the future she wants to exchange success stories with therapists worldwide.
„Back in 2009 Matrix Rhythm Therapy was not well known in India but 2011 I was again introduced to the therapy at International physiotherapy congress and that’s when my story really started. Ever since then I practice with it.“
Amongst Dr. Meenakshis patients are famous cricket players who profit from quick recovery from injuries and muscle pains.
„They want to play the game“, she laughs. „Cricket is in India as important as soccer is in Germany. But since I am a teacher of MaRhyThe I work with other clinics. Matrix Rhythm Therapy is also used for acne treatments, for lymphatic treatments, even for lipolysis – with very good results.“
„We are giving workshops and seminars and lectures throughout India“, she says. „People are interested. They are looking for a therapy which works efficiently and painlessly.“ For the future she wants to exchange cases and success stories with practitioners worldwide.
Anil Deshpande (next to Dr. Randoll) organized this Advanced Training. He and the other therapists were discussing recent publications at Dr. Randoll Institute.
The group of therapists was accompanied by Mr. Anil Deshpande. Mr. Deshpande, who has his own clinic in Mumbai, is the authorized partner for the Matrix Concept in India. „Effective solutions for prevention and management of pain while at the same time improve mobility and reduce rehab time – this is our goal and this is why we believe in the Matrix concept. Since 2009 we have trained more than 500 physiotherapists in India. I am glad to be part of this journey – 300.000 happy patients got relieved from pain and restricted mobility and this is just the beginning.“