Autor: Dr. Neha Pelapkar (PT), B.P.Th, M.P.Th (Musculoskeletal Sciences)
Post traumatic, post- operative knee stiffness is quite challenging condition seen in clinical setup for physiotherapists. The purpose of this case study is to put forth newer line of therapy for such kind of challenging cases. In this particular case, patient was given standard routine physiotherapy but patient unfortunately was not getting function and range of motion for one year post traumatic post-operative situation.
After the intervention by Matrix Rhythm Therapy with Matrixmobil® patient improved in range of motion, pain, gait and overall lower limb function.
We followed a protocol of 16 sessions once per week for one hour.
Modified Cincinnati Rating Scale was used as outcome measure which rated as 40 pre therapy and it was 98 post therapy.
Knee Flexion range before starting with Matrix Rhythm Therapy
Knee Flexion range after Application of Matrix Rhythm Therapy
Conclusion: Matrix rhythm therapy can be considered as the therapy which can be used in non responding, chronic conditions of knee joint. It is safe therapy. No side effects and patient dosent need this therapy on daily basis. At the same giving near full recovery.
To see the whole case report: Application of Matrix Rhythm Therapy in post-operative knee arthrofibrosis- A Case Report (PDF)
Physicaltherapy&Science F&W Case Report 2018; 4: 2