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Speaker Josef Nordmann

Relevant psychological processes in matrix-rhythm therapy and proper conditions of setting are needed to regulate oneself, this Josef Nordmann will address in his presentation on “self-regulation”.

Josef Nordmann


Speakers Spiraldynamik: Nikolaus Färber und Medea Ludwig

The speakers will introduce Spiraldynamik® – a body instruction leaflet. With demonstrative examples and practical exercises, they will demonstrate the connections, similarities and complementary factors with Matrix Rhythm Therapy.

Nikolaus Färber und Medea Ludwig


Speaker Christopher Fellinger

Natural Rhythmic Flow – The body and mind in space and time, as seen from the standpoint of a percussionist. (Theory and practice)

Christopher Fellinger


Speaker Prof. Dr. Erich Wühr

For many years now the lectures from Professor Erich Wühr enriche the Matrix Workshops. In this years topic he adresses “Evidence and Scientific Evidence in Physiotherapy”. We all look forward to his lecture.

Prof. Dr. Erich Wühr


Speaker Prof. Dr. Rainer Breul

Prof. Rainer Breul will give two lectures at the Matrix Workshop 2018.  He was available to us in advance for a short interview.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Bruel


Matrix-Workshop Ischia 2018

Vom 23. bis 28. September 2018

Ort: Poseidon Terme, Forio, Ischia

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Hier finden Sie das Programm sowie Details über Teilnahme-Bedingungen und Reise-Informationen (PDF).

Therapiepraxis am Nachmittag

Der Erfahrungsaustausch mit Matrix-Rhythmus-Therapeuten, Grundlagenforschern und Klinikern und das an einem besonders schönen Ort. Der Workshop bietet ein breites Spektrum an Therapiepraxis, (weiterlesen…)